Agency solution hero image featuring Japanese street ads

dipp for e-commerce

Design personalized visual content to deliver relevant and targeted message all the time.
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Why e-commerce brands love dipp?

Growth-driven brands have establish an agile workflow by separating design and content tasks. Your design team can build new visual layouts while your marketing team update the content on the fly.

Shorten your time to market

We know a successful campaign is the hard work of multiple departments so we want to make your hard work can be less hard by eliminating repetitive work.


With our platform, your design team only has to upload a single-sized layered Photoshop file and the reproduction of creating size and production variations can be managed on our platoform.

Eliminate content revision lag

Present your latest products and offers with dynamic content, such as live product feeds, discount codes or use our simple Content Feed to process all your visual content variations in batches.


Design a New Year’s Eve campaign and change the deals for New Year’s Day without editing your designs.

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Weekly demo every Thursday around the world
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Make one banner and scale it to other sizes for social, PPC, marketplaces and more.


Content Feed

Create campaign variations in one click by mapping any information to your product images.


Reuse Campaign

Change prices and images on any existing campaigns to quickly update it to a new look.


Design Analytics

Understand what drives viewers to engage and always design the “next best” visual.

Who works with us?

We have over 75 consumer products ranging from infant formula to dietary supplement that we sell across 7 marketplaces in Taiwan. It’s really easy to produce different sales campaigns in a variety of sizes from only one banner design.
Abbott Laboratories
We run multiple monthly storewide campaigns, hence our design loading is very high with lots of repetitive resizing work to accommodate at least 57 sizes for our marketing needs. That’s why we decided to turn to dipp to leverage their resizing and content feed features.
Rakuten Taiwan